In the ’22-’23 school year, 526 students in LafSD will receive special education, related services, or accommodations through 504 Plans and IEPs. Simply put, our school community is full of students with a wide range of diverse abilities.
stat received from the LafSD office on 8/22/22
Diverse Abilities Awareness Week (DAAW) is a time for students to learn through hands-on activities and lessons, bringing insight, understanding, and appreciation for fellow classmates with abilities different from their own; and to celebrate those diverse abilities as different, not less.
Through hands-on activities and lessons, students will gain a new appreciation for what it means to experience:
- blindness
- visual processing & reading difficulties
- deafness
- auditory processing difficulties
- sensory processing difficulties
- physical and motor disabilities
- low muscle tone or fine motor issues
- autism
- dyspraxia
- dyslexia
- seizures and food allergies
Also included in DAAW is an at-home activity for families to do together. Download it and the full K-5th grade curriculum below.
Through understanding, empathy, acceptance, and kindness, we can do better for all our kids.
Support Diverse Abilities Awareness Week!
SEED is an all volunteer organization, and programs like DAAW are only possible with your support. Please consider helping us continue and grow this important program with a tax deductible donation today!