Hi families! My name is Lindsay Teitelbaum, and I am the owner of Spirited Play Labs in San Ramon. We are an inclusive community center that just opened this year!

While serving as a local speech therapist for the last 8 years, I noticed an absence of social opportunities for our children who were in private therapy. After they left our private sessions, whether at school or clinic, I often wondered where families went. Did they have a safe, welcoming space to bring their child? After speaking to many families, I decided I needed to make this space!
Spirited Play Labs is an inclusive center in which children ages 0-7 can play and connect. Our space, our mission, and our offerings all support children that are typically developing, delayed, or disabled. We do this through DIR/Floortime-based social playgroups, and a Montessori-style and sensory-friendly open play space. (We are also available for private event rentals.)

DIR/Floortime is a thoroughly-researched, relationship-focused, and sensory-based therapeutic system that allows for children to grow and develop through relationship with others. The focus of Floortime is on building relationships to foster learning and development rather than compliance. Many of our playgroup leaders are Floortime certified, while others come from similar neurodiversity-affirming organizations and practices.
An additional factor that sets us apart is our focus on parent coaching. We know that parents are the most important part of any therapeutic team. During playgroups, parents gain direct access to specialists to learn and improve their understanding of their kiddo. Regardless of your child’s age, parents knowing what’s happening in therapy is essential for a successful intervention!

Spirited Play Labs run playgroups quarterly, and we continually update our offerings to meet the needs of the community. We offer social enrichment playgroups for ages 2-14, daytime therapeutic groups such as sleep support and feeding groups, and preschool readiness groups.
Some examples of current groups we provide include:
*Beginning the Journey Support Group
*Energetic Kids Play Lab
*Exploring Social Understanding Play Lab
*Musical Expression Play Lab
*Social Connections Play Lab
*Eat-Play-Thrive! Play Lab
In addition, our play space is run through membership plans. Families can visit us three times a month or unlimited times. Our play space is open weekdays from 9-5pm and on Saturdays from 9-12pm.
Who might benefit from our space? We’ve found that families who are seeking a welcoming community of like-minded people, safe social opportunities for their children, and a supportive therapeutic environment in which evidence-based best practice is provided, are thriving here.
Families are welcome to join us during our free first time visits to learn more at spiritedplaylabs.com. We look forward to meeting you and supporting your family as you navigate all the complexity, joy, and challenge of parenting in the Bay Area.

Visit Spirited Play Labs at 2222 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA; www.spiritedplaylabs.com; 510-214-3977.